I'm a tenant what does it mean for me?
The introduction of COVID-19 safety measures has resulted in a number changes that affect tenants:
to limit unnecessary contact, Mangrove Realty has suspended all routine inspections. We are currently looking into options for virtual inspections and tenant self-inspection options
National Cabinet agreed to a moratorium on evictions over the next six months for residential tenancies in financial distress who are unable to meet their commitments due to the impact of coronavirus (more details to be released this week by the Federal Government)
Mangrove Realty has secured contractors to ensure the repairs and maintenance of properties can continue with strict social distancing criteria. We will work with you to ensure we minimise any risk of having property maintenance/repairs completed at your property
All Queenslanders cannot have more than 10 people in their house at any one time, excluding households where more than 10 people ordinarily reside.