maintenance & repairs
It is your direct responsibility to:
change the lightbulbs in your home
report any damage or faults to your Property Manager
repair any damage you, other occupants of the house, or your visitors have caused
maintain the cleanliness of your home; this includes lawn and garden maintenance
test and clean (by vacuuming or dusting) smoke alarms at least once every 12 months
replace any flat or nearly flat batteries
advise the property manager/owner if there is any issue with the alarm (apart from batteries)
NEVER remove a smoke alarm, or do anything to reduce the effectiveness of a smoke alarm ​​
your responsibilities
Please do not attempt to repair something yourself that should be done by a licenced contractor.

our responsibilities
As Property Managers, it is our responsibility to work with owners to ensure your property is keep in good condition, fit to live in and is in a good state of repair.
Most repairs falls into one of two categories: general/routine or an emergency. ​​​
Emergency repairs may include but are not limited to:​
loss of electricity
loss of gas or water supply
a fault to the stove, oven, or hot water system
if you cannot secure your home
a fault or damage that could injure a person or damage the property,
a fault to the staircase or lift that means you cannot access your home
a burst water service or a serious water service leak
a blocked or broken lavatory system or fittings
a serious roof leak​
a dangerous electrical fault
flooding or serious flood damage
emergency repairs
general/routine repairs
You should notify your Property Manager and provide details of any general repairs that are needed. Your Property Manager will work with you and the owner to organise a contractor to make repairs / undertake works where required.
To lodge an online repair / maintenance request